Buffalo / by Bryan Lackner

man. buffalo.

well, first, we performed with Jack Topht, and stayed at his place after the show. his newest band is with his girl Ana (aka Little Cake). ever since the show, i can't stop listening to their project, Dasani Nites. such infectious tunes.

Jack has a lot of cool shit on his walls:

we got to the venue at sundown, and similar to Pittsburgh, playoff hockey was on the tv's, which made it feel like home. but then, i don't know. it slowly became a shit-show.
the "soundman" was more of a "sound overseer", and he didn't do a good job of overseeing anything, except maybe how much blow he could consume over the course of the night. Eze has felt the brunt of bad soundmen (see: Billings), and this was the worst sound of the tour. bit of a bummer.

also, this was the first time on the tour that people would dip when it wasn't their friends performing (meaning, when we were rapping). i ran into a couple these sniffly people in the bathroom, politely turned down their offers to, you know, and went back to rapping. over the course of the show -- and this has been the case in many of the tour stops -- people started warming up to us, but it didn't take away from the night feeling like a trap music-infused fever dream.

it was the last night that Eze was on the tour with us, so we bid him farewell before heading to Jack's.
Eze is a stand-up dude, immensely talented, charming as a motherfucker, and i highly recommend purchasing his album, L.I.V.E. N.O.W. such a pleasure rocking with him for a month and change.