Kansas City / by Bryan Lackner

we were closing in on coming home to Detroit, so Brent and i were feeling good. there was a local rapper on the bill, as well as a touring act. the local bowed out about 30 minutes before the show (oof)...just as Height was telling us this, Brent got a call about us performing at the ArtXDetroit opening at MOCAD on Thursday night, which kind of blew us away. we were expecting to get home a few days early, but adding a Detroit show -- ArtX no less -- had us all floating. 

...and then Har-Di-Har took the stage and stole our hearts. wowowowow.

there was only two people in attendance, Rosa and Elena, and that's what's up. they said repeatedly, "i wish more people saw this", but y'know what? they saw it. that's all that matters. 

we packed up, and were Detroit bound.